Welcome to the Bitakon AI Prompt Selling Marketplace, your premier destination for unlocking the limitless potential of artificial intelligence! Our platform is a dynamic marketplace where creative minds, developers, and AI enthusiasts converge to buy and sell AI prompts, taking innovation to new heights. Bitakon script has 11+ automatic payment gateways and unlimited offline payment gateways and it has built with the latest in web development technologies, including Laravel, Inertia.js, Vue.js. It has included two-click web installer to install the script from User Interface mode.
How It Works:
- Browse & Explore: Dive into our marketplace and explore a vast selection of AI prompts. Use our search filters to find prompts that align with your needs.
- Purchase & Download: Select the AI prompts that capture your interest, make a secure purchase, and download them instantly.
- Create & Collaborate: Unleash the power of AI in your projects, whether it’s content generation, data analysis, or problem-solving. Collaborate with fellow AI enthusiasts to take your ideas to the next level.
- Sell Your Prompts: If you’re an AI expert or creator, you can join our community of sellers and share your AI prompts with the world. Monetize your expertise and contribute to the AI revolution.
Script Demo:
Home: https://bitakon.thedevstation.com/
Admin Panel Credentials
Admin Login Url: https://bitakon.thedevstation.com/login
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: password
User Panel Credentials
User Login Url: https://bitakon.thedevstation.com/login
Email: user@user.com
Password: password

Author & User Features
- Clean & Informative Dashboard
- AI Model Based dynamic Prompt
- Prompt Collection or bundle
- Sales Report
- Purchase Log
- Like or Favourite modules
- Secure payout models
- Profile Settings
- Orders Log
- Followers Log
- Following Log
- AI Generate Image
- Credit Purchase History
- Notifications
Admin Features
- Informative Dashboard
- Dynamic AI Model modules
- Order modules
- Customers modules
- Payment gateways modules
- Users log
- Support modules
- Blog
- Drag and drop menu builder
- Role-based multi admin
- Storage Settings (local and wasabi cloud)
- 10+ automatic payment gateways
- Custom Page.
- SEO.
- Developer settings.
- Notifications.
Site Features
- Latest Technology (Laravel & Vue js & inertia js)
- Dark and Light mode Frontend
- 100% responsive
- 3 Unique Home Page
- 2 prompt detail layout
- Prompt Listing Page
- Social Login (Facebook and Google)
- Cart page
- Checkout Page
- 11+ Payment Getaways
- Faq
- SEO friendly
- XSS Protection
- Unique and Modern Design.
- Fully Customizable script.
- Clean Admin Dashboard.
- Blogs.
- Page wise seo.
- Custom error page
- More….
- PHP 8.1
- Ctype PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- DOM PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- Filter PHP Extension
- Hash PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- PCRE PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Session PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- NGNIX (Recommended for better performance)
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